Corporate Social Responsibility

Since its inception, Team DL HUDSON is strongly driven by international benchmarks for sustainable practices in business. We at DL Hudson, ardently believe that businesses can play a major role in protecting and conserving our planet and making it better.

Creating a legacy of giving back to the society and a commitment to inclusive growth is intrinsic to our approach to business. It is from this belief system, flows our support for various endeavours towards animal welfare, conservation of forests and development of green sanctuaries, generating livelihood and providing shelter for the socially and economically weaker sections of society.

Our CSR initiatives embodies the concept of the 3P structure: People, Planet, and Profit. We aim to create a significant and sustained impact on the environment through our businesses and provide innovative opportunities for our employees, our clients and partners to contribute to these efforts.

The causes we support:

Green Planet

[su_expand more_text=”Show more” less_text=”Show less” height=”100″ hide_less=”no” text_color=”#636363″ link_color=”#2d5694″ link_style=”default” link_align=”left” more_icon=”” less_icon=”” class=””]DL HUDSON has pledged to plant a tree against each invoice generated ingratitude to mother nature.
Deforestation has been an issue for decades, leading to massive loss of species and biodiversity, affecting wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate. We are hugely dependent on forests; however, we turn a blind eye to the distress signals they’re sending out. Though the environmental impact of various business practices is inevitable, it is imperative to strike a balance.
As an energy trader, we are conscious of the carbon footprint created by some of the commodities we trade in. Our association with organisations that combat deforestation emphasises that trees should be treasured. Each tree produces 260 pounds of oxygen each year which is equal to the amount consumed by 18 humans annually. It is estimated that 46% of the world’s trees have been felled over the past 12,000 years. The effects of global warming are already evident, and we will deprive our progeny of a habitable planet.
It is thus our constant endeavour to reduce this impact to the minimum possible. With a sharp focus on tackling our collective carbon footprint, We at DL Hudson pledge to plant a tree against each invoice generated. We encourage our team, clients and suppliers to champion the effort and participate in the pledge by working to use less, conserve more, source more responsible materials and grow more sustainably, in order to leave a positive legacy and support a regenerative economy.

Animal Welfare

[su_expand more_text=”Show more” less_text=”Show less” height=”100″ hide_less=”no” text_color=”#636363″ link_color=”#2d5694″ link_style=”default” link_align=”left” more_icon=”” less_icon=”” class=””]Our planet’s animals are essential to the eco system and yet they are the most abused creatures. Human existence is dependent on animals and our collective reciprocal treatment to our cohabitants is abhorrent. Animals evoke immense joy for many of us who have pets and the lack of care and medical attention towards animals is truly heart breaking.
DL HUDSON’s team conscientiously supports organisations that provide shelter and medical care to animals


[su_expand more_text=”Show more” less_text=”Show less” height=”100″ hide_less=”no” text_color=”#636363″ link_color=”#2d5694″ link_style=”default” link_align=”left” more_icon=”” less_icon=”” class=””]Homelessness is a complex social issue, one with interconnected causes. Such as, high unemployment, a lack of affordable housing and education, mental illness and substance abuse. Only through a systemic, inclusive, community-wide approach can we solve such a vast and far-reaching societal problem. Lack of affordable housing, poverty, unemployment and unforeseen life events cause not just hardship for many but results in them losing their homes. The societal impact of homelessness is disturbing and many governments lack the money and resolve to aid those in need. Our support towards this cause benefits families, particularly single women who face despicable abuse.
We support accredited organisations that fully understand the predicament of those deprived of shelter.